Water in Central Texas may have a variety of problems which can be fixed with Culligan filtration.
In the 54 years we’ve been serving the community, the following are the most common water problems we hear from local residents. Click on the problem that best describes your water to learn more, or get pricing for a culligan system.My water smells like a pool:

Heavy chlorination in the Central Texas can cause water to taste and smell terrible.
I have spots all over my shower door:

Hard water is the culprit behind spotty showers, glassware, flatware and dishes.
My water smells like rotten eggs:

If your water smells like rotten eggs a free water test can help determine what is causing that unpleasant odor.
My water leaves nasty stains:

If your water is staining your fixtures, sinks and tubs FFBB00, red blue, or green, we’ve got a solution for you!
My drinking water can be better:

If you suspect your water may contain contaminants you don’t want in your body, we have filters that reduce up to 99% of contaminants.
My water has rust or iron:

If your water contains iron that is staining your fixtures, sinks and tubs reddish-brown, you don’t have to live with the stains any longer!
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